Headband Dilabs - Erasmus+ (community of practices and key competences) Dilabs - Erasmus+ (community of practices and key competences)

 Digital Community and Innovation in Adult education and basics skills

DILABS is part of a dynamic process to raise awareness about key competences and basic skills in a work situation. Our objective was to capitalise on experiences and teaching approaches. While digital technology plays an important role in training offer and educational practices, DILABS provides a set of online results (educational outputs in the form of booklets, online activities, videos, etc.) and examples of innovative practices in areas that foster collaborative work. Thus, we wanted to focus on analysing contexts in the project partner countries, analysing training situations, and identifying and pinpointing the competence in a given situation. Beyond the results and outputs, the strategic partnerships and innovation projects of the Erasmus+ programme enable people to experience a human adventure of sharing and to exchange practices. By being inspired by the experiences of our DILABS project partners, we enrich and develop our methods and systems as well as new ways of doing things, which therefore enables all the project stakeholders to develop their skills and have a clear impact on the final beneficiaries.

The project aims at supporting all stakeholders involved in adult education, vocational training and continuing education : from trainers, to coach, tutors, and managers in companies dealing with training, and upskilling, Thanks to a co-constructive approach with all the stakeholders we will foster innovation, and allow anyone to get access to key competences and customized training programs.

More details : http://dilabs.eu (With the support of the European Commission and Erasmus+) 

'Ice-breaking activities - Présentation des participants par la vidéo

Activités proposées aux participants au démarrage du séminaire pour lancer le thème de la semaine : la vidéo.

Creative Commons license Séminaire DILABS Vidéo - Ana Cristina (Portugal-CFRG)

March 25, 2019
Duration: 00:01:06
Number of views 11
Addition in a playlist 0
Number of favorites 0

Mars 2019 à l'université de Lille

Séminaire de formation sur la vidéo - Présentation des participants :  Ana Crisina Madeira - CFRG - Portugal

Activité animée par Sandrine Bonnet, et Fabienne Gantier

Tags: dilabs erasmus+ meeting


