Creative Commons license JJC'ICON 2021 - Cours de Léa Pillette

May 27, 2021
Duration: 00:35:59
Number of views 47
Addition in a playlist 0
Number of favorites 0

Léa Pillette obtained her PhD degree in computer science from the University of Bordeaux and Inria (Potioc team) in 2019. She is currently in post-doc at Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France). Her thesis and post-doctoral research have in common the aim of designing new technological approaches with applications to major public health issues. During her PhD she focused on BCI user training, during which users learn to produce different patterns of brain activity to control the BCI. She specifically focused on the feedback that is provided to the users regarding the modifications occurring in their brain activity. She made several contributions to assess how users’ profile, e.g., their autonomy, influenced the type of feedback to favor, e.g., include social presence and emotional support in the content of the feedback.

Tags: eeg interface cerveau-ordinateur meg


  • Added by: Francois Cabestaing (francois.cabestaing)
  • Speaker(s):
  • Updated on: June 3, 2021, 6:50 p.m.
  • Type: Symposium
  • Main language: English

